Saturday, June 23, 2007

Week 3: Flickr Mash-ups & Third Party Sites

My creation
My creation,
originally uploaded by mncarlson22.
I like this whole trading card thing. It is kinda fun. The fact that they have all of these options out there now is amazing. I just want to know where people find the time to do all of this stuff. You comb through all of the posts and pictures and realize how time consuming all of this would be. Maybe people look at this stuff as sort of a hobby – like scrap booking or coin collecting. I love the fact that we have all of these options now but I don’t see myself devoting much off work time to using them. Like I said, I guess we all have our own particular hobbies.

Week 3: Explore Flickr Exercise

Carroll Creek Iced
Carroll Creek Iced,
originally uploaded by kmccmack.
I was browsing through the photos and it seems they have a whole group devoted to Frederick, MD. I thought it was interesting how you have the ability to join groups that are devoted to one medium. If I had the time I would have uploaded some of my photos just to have the ability to post them to my blog. I like this photo because I’ve never lived in a place that snows like this. It is hard for me to imagine the Carroll Creek area looking like this. I’m sure by March I will be just as sick as everyone else of the snow.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Week 2: 7 ½ Habits Easiest & Hardest

So which one of the 7 ½ habits is the easiest and hardest for me and why? Well of course the last one, Play, is the easiest. I think it should have been numbers 1- 5 on the list. I don’t understand people who can’t sit back and enjoy themselves. Just like those lottery winners who say they are going to keep working after they win. Come on!!! Move over and let some other person who is going to enjoy it have the money.

The hardest one would probably be number 1: Begin with the end in mind. I like tackling problems but if I don’t set a cut off date then I will over think it into the ground. I’m a planner not a doer. I probably would be better off setting a firm date or learning goal before I start any project.