Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Week 9: Finale

It was a long haul but I’m finally done with 23 Things. There were a lot of exercises that I had heard about but hadn’t had the time to explore. If you pay attention to the changing world of technology, you here new phrases like, podcast, Flickr, and YouTube come up all the time. With the way technology is speeding ahead, you need a program like this to keep you focused on changes. Sometimes I have a hard time distinguishing between important advances and superfluous information. I don’t want to expend energy on a pop cultural fad that is here one minute and gone the next. I want knowledge and information about technology that will be here for the long haul.

I don’t know how much of the information I will incorporate into my daily routine. I’m not a big fan of blogging or newsreaders. My primary goal was to become familiar with these different areas. Although I may not be a Flickr junkie, one of the patrons frequenting my library may be. I don’t want to be left out in the cold when other are talking about a particular website. The best thing to say about this program is that it has made me feel more comfortable about the online world….at least until tomorrow when a million other things pop up.


James said...

The best thing to say about this program is that it has made me feel more comfortable about the online world

congratulations on finishing the 23 things! your comment above is most telling. it goal of the program was to make each of us more comfortable exploring new technologies and it is nice to know that you reached that level of comfort.

I want knowledge and information about technology that will be here for the long haul.

as a librarian, you know that with tech evolving as fast as it does, "long haul" becomes kind of a relative term. i think that's what makes your first comment so important. the ability to be comfortable trying out each new thing is what's most important.

congratulations again on finishing the 23 things!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the MP3 e MP4, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://mp3-mp4-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.